The Keys to a 5 Star Review Every Transaction

We have officially turned the corner into holiday season, which means blink and the new year is here. It also means NOW is the time to plan for 2023. If you are waiting until January to plan and make changes to your business plan and structure, you are behind the 8 eight ball.

I may break the real estate internet with this next statement, but it seems like the appropriate time to address the opinion and hill I am willing to die on as you are business planning and looking for ways to elevate and level up your business for 2023.


What do I mean by that? If you want the 5 STAR review, you must remain active and present during the transaction. For many clients, whether they are first time homebuyers or are on their 5th purchase, the process of buying a home isn't something they do often and they need guidance, hand-holding and reassurance during the transaction. It doesn't matter if you found your clients the perfect home and negotiated an amazing deal for them, if they feel like you left them hanging after they signed the contract, that 5 star review quickly becomes a 3 or 4 star review and the motivation and excitement dwindles. However, if you stay present and proactive in presenting all of the details during the transaction, not only will your clients want to leave that 5 star review, they will also want to refer all of their friends and family. It is the contract to close piece of the puzzle that is the difference maker!

So how can you be sure you are acing this part of the relationship with your client? Here is our advice in 3 simple steps:

  1. Read the contract - first and foremost, understand all of the pieces of that little paper you are having your clients sign. This will eliminate so many issues that could potentially arise during a transaction.

  2. Have a transaction management system that all of your contracts are entered into. This system should task you each day what you should be doing on the file.

  3. Template out all of your email correspondence. That's right, real estate is always repeatable and the better your email templates, the better you look to your clients.

That is it! If you do the 3 things above every single transaction, it will level up your business tremendously. Yes, you will still need to make the calls, yes, you will still need to market yourself, and yes you absolutely need to be a skilled negotiator. All of those things are very important. However, if you want to really shine for your clients, DON'T FORGET ABOUT THEM AFTER THE CONTRACT IS SIGNED!

If you do not have a built out and functioning transaction management system and you have no idea where to start with getting your email templates set up, let us know, we can help. If there is one thing we excel at, it is scalable and repeatable systems!


We are Thankful, Getting Prepared and Talking with Friends


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